

The Hermes project is a live polling website which allows the operating party or organiser to create events while generating unique event codes. Under an established event, the organiser can add multiple polls, quizzes or feedback as found necessary.

Other users can participate in the respective event by entering the valid event code and get engaged in the various activities of that particular event LIVE!

Visit the DSC VIT's website to take a glimpse of our other projects at dscvit.com


Visit the Create page to explore the various activities you can expose your audiences to!


If you wish to engage in any of the activities created for you, please visit the Participate page!


As a creator you can create an Event for which the following activities can be added. The users can engage with them in real time!

Live Quizzes
Create or take part in a Live Quiz!
Live Polls
Create or take part in a Live Polling session!
Feedback Sessions
Create or take part in a Feedback session!